Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fall Wreath

I try to make a wreath with every season at the very minimum. I do try to get some special holiday ones in there as well, but that isn't always high on my priority list.

For this year's fall wreath I decided to do one like this wreath I found on Pinterest.

I'm not sure how the originator of this wreath did it, but I found that working with the grapevine form was so difficult! So difficult that I doubt I'll use this sort of wreath again.

I tried to hot glue my "S" in place, but it failed because the surface wasn't flat enough.

So then I had to rig it up. You know, nothing says "super classy, crafty wreath" like bottle tabs nailed into the letter and then reinforced with hot glue!

Finally I used fabric scraps to hold the "S" in place, and called it good enough.

I put it on the door and realized that the "S' was upside down!! This was definitely an example of letting the imperfection go because I was so irritated that this didn't go together as easy as it looked.

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