Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fifi Comes to Visit Tulsa

I was sleeping in this morning after the busy weekend and Josh says "We have to go!"

What is so important that I can't sleep in and be lazy all day?

Fifi came to Tulsa!

Fifi is important because its the only flying B-29.

And in case you are like me and you don't know what a B-29 is without someone telling you... the B-29 is the plane that dropped the atomic bombs on Japan.  I don't really know the difference or get excited by the aviation stuff, but it is fun to see Josh and his dad get all excited. :)

While we are on the topic of aviation I figured I would share this one too. This is the view Josh has when he pushes back a plane.  I love how instagram makes it all artsy fartsy. *laughs*

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