Monday, January 21, 2013

Master Fort Builder!!!

As I mentioned before, I've started watching two girls before and after school. Today was Martin Luther King Jr. Day so there wasn't school which means I was able to spend the whole day with them!

First thing in the morning, after they finished breakfast, they asked if it would be okay to move the ottoman to make a little fort across their sectional sofa. Ha! They didn't know who they were asking. I do not make little forts!  I prefer forts that have multiple rooms! So that is what we made!

We also made a fort over the dining table so they could eat under it like a restaurant! Yeah, I let the kids eat on the floor, but I made sure they had clean place mats. (Plus, if there were any stray germs they just help make a stronger immune system, right?)

The girls had so much fun in their fort most of the day. There was a little sibling bickering which signaled that fort time was over, but they helped clean it up and then moved onto the next activity -getting along nicely. Forts are kind of magical like that.

You should go build one right now! Surprise your kids and get their creative juices flowing. :)

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