Thursday, December 27, 2012

I Quit!!!

I'm quitting my job!

I've been wanting to focus on Gate17 full time for about 9 months now and I'm finally there!

You know, I did the accounting and found out in the first year of business we've cleared a couple hundred dollars profit so it seems like the perfect time to quit my full-time job! Ha!!!

If you don't risk anything you can't gain anything, so I'm risking it here, but I'm very confident.

Plus, a great new opportunity has presented itself to me -helping to maintain some of my stability.

I'm going to start babysitting two cute little girls who love to do crafts! If that isn't just my cup of tea I don't know what is!!!!

I'll be spending about 12.5 hours a week with the girls, giving me time to teach more sewing classes, host more pinterest parties, and develop new things for Gate17 Etsy!

I can't wait to see what comes in the new year!

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